Plastics and the Environment

Urgent: Stop Microplastics In Our Water!

The Food and Water Watch organization is trying to get 7 governors to sign on to get the EPA to put the monitoring of microplastics in water on its list of priorities. Also, there is an ask for organizations to sign on to a letter to the governors.

#1 Governors, Stop Microplastics Now!

Microplastics are everywhere, and they’re harming our health! Drinking water is one of the main ways people consume microplastics. But the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hasn’t taken steps to stop microplastics in drinking water. Your governor has the power to champion microplastic-free water. By law, when seven state governors petition the EPA to monitor dangerous chemicals like microplastics in our water, the EPA must comply or provide a detailed justification for their refusal. Send a message to your governor: Tell the EPA to monitor microplastics now!
#2 Food and Water Watch started a letter for organizations to sign and send to Governor Shapiro. Would your organization add their name to the letter?
If you know of any organization that would be willing to sign on to a letter to the governors, please let them know about this letter and  important issue.

Watch this webinar about Plastic Pollution in PA

Find out more from Beyond Plastics

Click here for the Plastics & Human Health Fact Sheet

Click here for more Beyond Plastics Fact Sheets

Click here for the Real Truth About the U.S. Plastics Recycling Rate

The U.N. is Negotiating a Treaty

that Could Solve the Plastic Problem

Watch the video below to find out What You Need To Know

Plastic is Worse Than Coal for Climate Change

The US plastics industry’s contribution to climate change is on track to exceed that of coal-fired power in this country by 2030, finds The New Coal: Plastics & Climate Change, a report from CAPA Senior Fellow Judith Enck and the Beyond Plastics project.

More About Plastic

In 2021, the Environmental Issues Committee learned about plastics’ health and environmental impact, strategies for dealing with plastic disposal, and environmentally safe alternatives to plastic. We have developed a plastic brochure you can access below to learn more about the topic. The brochure is designed to show the magnitude of today’s problem and to encourage everyone to become involved in finding solutions.

Watch This PBS Video About Plastic & Human Health

Shell Has Multiple Violations At Its New Ethane Cracker Plant in Beaver County

The Beaver County cracker plant takes ethane, a component of Marcellus Shale natural gas obtained from fracking, and “cracks” it into ethylene. The ethylene is then used to make plastic “nurdles”, small plastic pellets, which are made into other plastic products when other chemicals are added. The cracker plant has had multiple violations in its short history. Learn more here.

Recycling in America Is a Mess. A New Bill Could Clean It Up

As programs shutter and plastic use rises in the pandemic, a New York bill to get manufacturers to pick up the recycling tab could offer a solution.

Click here to learn more.

Bags to Benches - Trex Plastic Recyling Program

Our plastic collection project is done in conjunction with Trex, a composite decking company. Trex sponsors a plastic collection challenge in which a group or organization that collects five hundred pounds of plastic film receives a free “polylumber” bench from Trex in appreciation for the community’s recycling efforts. Our goal is to collect five hundred pounds of plastic film within a six-month time frame in order to receive the bench. The bench costs nothing more than the effort associated with coordinating people in donating plastic film that would otherwise end up in a landfill. The types of plastic you can recycle in the bins include: bubble wrap, grocery bags, bread bags, case overwrap, dry cleaning bags, ice bags, Ziploc/resealable bags, and cereal bags. See the Plastic Collection Poster and plastic lists for more information.

Where to take your plastic in Indiana, PA

We have bins in the S&T Arena, the Borough Building on N. 8th St. (in the foyer, always open), and outside the entrance of the YMCA. Please support this project by bringing your plastic to one of our bins.  No bottles or hard plastic please. Thanks to all who support this recycling project. Any questions can be directed to:

No Plastic Please Pittsburgh

In addition, LWVIC has partnered with No Plastic Please Pittsburgh, an organization that empowers individuals and communities to eliminate unnecessary single-use plastic including plastic cutlery, take-out containers, bottles, cups bags, stirrers, straws and all Styrofoam.

Microplastics in PA's Local Waterways

To find out more, watch this informative video by Dr. Sam Mason.

Recommended Readings

There was also a lot of interest in learning more about microplastics, so here’s some reading Dr. Mason recommended:

  1. A deep dive from GQ on plastic, phthalates, endocrine disruption, and reproductive health. 
  2. The classic Silent Spring by PA native Rachel Carson.
  3. Our Stolen Future: sounded early alarms on the effects of many common chemicals on our endocrine system.
  4. Count Down: a book published this month on how chemicals in everyday objects like plastic are hurting fertility and humanity.
  5. Thicker Than Water: The Quest for Solutions to the Plastic Crisis: Journalist Erica Cirino brings readers on a globe-hopping journey to meet the scientists and activists telling the real story of the plastic crisis.

Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act

      While plastic is important for a number of products, like medical devices, plastic producers have increasingly flooded our markets with unnecessary, wasteful products that cannot be recycled — largely because creating new plastics is cheaper than using recycled products.

       The Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act would address this, and other key parts of plastic pollution, by:

  • Shifting responsibility for waste management and recycling to manufacturers and producers,
  • Setting up a national beverage container refund program,
  • Establishing minimum recycled content standards,
  • Phasing out certain single-use plastic products that aren’t recyclable,
  • Prohibiting plastic waste from being exported to developing countries
  • Placing a moratorium on new and expanding plastic facilities until the EPA updates and creates vital environmental and health regulations on those facilities.

Benches Donated to the Indiana Community from the LWVIC-Trex - Bags to Benches Project

Bench at the new Indiana County Conservation District Office donated by LWVIC in conjunction with the Trex  – Bags to Benches Project

Third bench donated by LWVIC in conjunction with the Trex – Bags to Benches Project to the Indiana County Community Action Program.

Fifth bench donated to Blue Spruce Park

Second bench donated by LWVIC in conjunction with the Trex – Bags to Benches Project to the Indiana County Community Garden.

Fourth bench donated by LWVIC to the S&T Bank Arena

Sixth bench donated to the Chevy Chase Community Garden