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Click below for issues we have our eyes on:

Event Calendar


October 1, Tuesday

Ballot Box Basics: Vote With Ease & Confidence

  • 5:30-6:30 pm
  • Panel discussion sponsored by the League of Women Voters of PA
  • Webinar open to everyone via Zoom
  • Click here to register

October 11, Friday

Naturalization Ceremony

  • LWVIC will be available following the ceremony to assist new citizens with registering to vote
  • Ceremony 11:00 am-12:00 pm
  • Toretti Auditorium, Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex
  • Indiana University of Pennsylvania

October 16, Wednesday

Women and Public Health Webinar

  • Sponsored by LWVPA
  • 7:00 p.m. on Zoom
  • To register and receive the Zoom link go here

October 18, Friday

Sustainability Summit VI

  • 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
  • Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex
  • Indiana University of Pennsylvania
  • Free and open to the public
  • Go to Sustainable Indiana County website to register

October 21, Monday

LWVIC Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

  • 7:00 pm
  • Zoom meeting
  • For Zoom link, email lwvindianacounty@gmail.com
  • All are welcome
Last day to register to vote or update voter registration
  • For more information or to register/change registration click here.

October 28, Monday

IUP Six O’Clock Series:“Elections and Voter Behavior”

  • 6:00 p.m., Elkin Hall Great Room, IUP
  • Bipartisan panel with Sarah Wheeler representing LWVIC

October 29, Tuesday

Last day to register for mail-in ballot


November 5, Tuesday

General Election
  • Polls open 7:00am- 8:00pm
  • Mail-in and absentee ballots must be received by the Indiana County Board of Elections Office by 8:00 pm
  • For more information, click here.

We Need You!

2024-25 Program Plan Opportunities to Get Involved

  1. Child Advocacy Committee on Education – Susan Welsh: sbwelsh48@gmail.com
    1. Public school funding
    2. School safety
    3. Citizen education
    4. Youth vote
    5. Informational community events
  1. Communications Committee – Donna Cashdollar: cashdollar@comcast.net
    1. Voter – quarterly newsletter
    2. Information for voters
      1. Radio, print media, and social media
      2. Other media – banners, brochures, bookmarks, cards, handouts
  1. Environmental Issues Committee – Cindy Rogers: rogers944@comcast.net
    1. Climate change
      1. Collaborations
      2. Educational initiatives
      3. Community projects
  1. Plastics issues
    1. Informational programs; Book donations
    2. Publications – “A Short History of Plastic, It’s Impact On Our Planet, and Ways To Reduce your Plastic Footprint”
    3. TREX Community Challenge – recycling
  1. Equity Committee: DEI – Sherene Hess: sherenehess@verizon.net
    1. Build support and connections in our community
    2. Act as an ally for all members of our community – “Defend Democracy for ALL”
    3. Improve the accessibility of League programs
  1. Public Policy Committee: Joyce Rizzo: rizzojoyce@gmail.com
    1. Fair Districts and Fix Harrisburg Campaign
    2. Government Policy
    3. Safe and Secure Elections
    4. Social Policy
  1. Voter Services Committee – Kay Smith: kaybsmith06@gmail.com
    1. Voter registration events
    2. Voting and elections
    3. VOTE411 – Information about candidates
Ready to get involved? For more information click here.

League of Women Voters Mission

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.


Climate Change is a Growing Concern

Click here to check out our new page on Climate Change under the Environmental Issues Committee tab

Community Monthly Meetings

Indiana Borough Council

Indiana County Children's Advisory Commission

Indiana County Commissioners

Indiana County NAACP

League of Women Voters Indiana County

White Township Board of Supervisors

League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania

Want to find out more about what the State League is doing and planning?

Read current and past Communicator newsletters.

The October Communicator Spotlights Indiana County League, page 13

  • Click here to read the October Communicator

The October Communicator: Local League Member Susan Boser Elected to the State Social Policy Committee, page 8

  • Click here to read the October Communicator

The zero waste approach seeks to maximize recycling, minimize waste, reduce consumption and ensures that products are made to be reused, repaired or recycled back into nature or the marketplace.

DEI Hot Topics: The Untold Story of Women of Color in the League of Women Voters

Learn more

What is democracy? How can you protect democracy?

Click HERE for more information

Our Latest Newsletter

Click here for more information.

LWVIC Celebrates 50th Anniversary

On February 17, 2024, LWVIC celebrated 50 years as a local League with a luncheon and special program including a narrated slide show, below, highlighting the history of the League of Women Voters as well as our local League. Welcoming remarks were given by Ms. Maria Delgado-Santana, President, League of Women Voters of PA (LWVPA). Dr. Amy Widestrom, Executive Director, LWVPA, gave the Keynote Address, speaking about the future of the League. Click here to view the Commemorative Program.

Dr. Amy Widestrom
Ms. Maria Delgado-Santana

Special thanks to Robert B. Meyers for the making of the video slide presentation, Donna Cashdollar for designing the slides and for the voices of Adriana Guth-Borowski, Ellen Chinn, Sandy Whitson, Vicki Stelma, Cindy Rogers & Lizanne Porter. 

LWVIC Honored for 50th Anniversary

Pictured L to R: Front row: Susan Welsh, Kay Smith, Deanne Snavely. Back row: Sandy Whitson (Charter member), Donna Cashdollar, Susan McClure (Charter member), Rep. Jim Struzzi, Ellen Chinn, Olga Platt (Charter member), Cindy Rogers

A citation from the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was awarded to the Indiana County Chapter of the League of Women Voters by Rep. Jim Struzzi at a ceremony in March 2024. The citation “honored [LWVIC] on the momentous occasion of its fiftieth anniversary” in recognition of “organizations which contribute to the benefit of their communities and ultimately to all citizens of the Commonwealth”. Nine longtime members were in attendance at the ceremony including three charter members!

County League of Women Voters Honored with Democracy Defender Award

Representatives of LWVIC attended the 2023 LWVPA Biennial Convention in Harrisburg from June 16-18

Pictured L to R: Lizanne Porter; Ellen Chinn, treasurer; Susan Boser; Cindy Rogers, program vice president; and Vicki Stelma

     The League of Women Voters of Indiana County was recently recognized in Harrisburg for their work, winning the Democracy Defender Award.
     The Democracy Defender Award is a competitive, new award, presented by the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania to a county League in recognition of exceptional commitment to voter services in their community.
     The Democracy Defender Award was presented to the LWVIC for their work in multiple ways. The LWVIC expanded voter registration events for citizens living in rural communities through community festivals, public
libraries, high schools and the university. In addition, they encouraged participation of diverse citizens in a number of informational initiatives including print media such as The Indiana Gazette, radio announcements and interviews with Renda Broadcasting WDAD, and digital media at Indiana University of Pennsylvania using screens in the Hadley Union Building and on exercise equipment there.
     The award was presented at the Pennsylvania League’s biennial convention on June 17 in Harrisburg. On behalf of the LWVIC, Cindy Rogers received the award from Meg Pierce, executive director of the Pennsylvania League. Also present were LWVIC members Ellen Chinn, Vicki Stelma, Lizanne Porter and Susan Boser.

LWVIC Vice President Cindy Rogers Honored with President's Volunteer Service Award

     In 2003, the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation founded the President’s Volunteer Service Award to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity. This award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action, too.

     The PVSA has continued under each administration, honoring the volunteers who are using their time and talents to solve some of the toughest challenges facing our nation. Led by AmeriCorps and managed in partnership with Points of Light, this program allows Certifying Organizations to recognize their most exceptional volunteers. https://presidentialserviceawards.gov/about

     Cindy Rogers was selected as the 2023 recipient of the award by friends of White’s Woods. Representatives from many of the organizations for which Cindy volunteers celebrated at a luncheon at Benjamin’s restaurant in downtown Indiana.

     Cindy is the Board President and founder of Evergreen Conservancy, a Director of the Indiana County Conservation District, on the Boards of the Tourist Bureau and Friends of Yellow Creek State Park, a contributing member of Friends of Whites Woods, Plant Patrol, and Friends of the Indiana County Parks, as well a volunteer for Aging Services & The Chevy Chase Community Center.  She assists with the organization of the Northern Appalachian Folk Festival and is active member of the Environmental Issues Committee of the League of Women Voters, both at the local and state level, as well as Administrative Vice President of the local League. Congratulations, Cindy, and thank you for your all you do!

The 2023 Peggy Clark Grassroots Environmental Leadership Awards

Pictured L to R: Dr. Kay Snyder, committee member; Barb Hague, accepting the award for Marie Olson; Laurie Lafontaine, committee chair; Janis Long, accepting for Blacklick Creek Watershed Association; Dr. Ellen Chinn, committee member

This year, Marie Olson won for the individual award and the Blacklick Creek Watershed Association won for the group award. The awards were presented on May 20 at the LWVIC Annual Membership meeting. Congratulations to our winners!


      Susan Welsh (chair of LWVIC’s Child Advocacy Committee on Education), Kay Smith (chair of Voter Services Committee), and Susan Boser (LWVIC’s representative to LWVPA’s Government Policy Committee) have been working together to provide sources of information on firearm law, firearm deaths, and firearms safety and control. We are not against responsible firearm ownership but are for a revaluing of public safety and public health in the face of unacceptably escalating gun deaths, gun suicides, and mass shootings. 

      Our first step in responding to local concerns about escalating firearm violence was to seek education about gun laws and their enforcement in Pennsylvania.

      On July 20, 2022, State Trooper Clifford Greenfield gave a ZOOM presentation sponsored by the Indiana League.  His topic was “Current Gun Laws in Pennsylvania.”  Trooper Greenfield is the public information officer and community services officer for Troop A.  Links to the sources he referenced in his presentation are listed here: 


  • Title 18, Pennsylvania
    Crimes Code

    • Chapter 5, General Principles
      of Justification
    • Chapter 9, Inchoate Crimes
    • Chapter 27, Assault
    • Chapter 61, Firearms and Other
      Dangerous Articles
  • Pennsylvania State Police
    psp.pa.gov for annual PA firearms reports.
  • Pennsylvania Office of Attorney
    General website, 
    attorneygeneral.gov for discussions of Firearms Education and Training in
    PA and Carrying Firearms in PA
  • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    pa.gov  for a link to Concealed Carry Agreements
  • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
    Firearms and Explosives website, 
    atf.gov for informative Q & A pages.


This portion of our site will expand as LWVIC expands its research into public health & safety, public policy, relevant legislation, and advocacy on this issue. 




League of Women Voters of Indiana County (LWVIC) 

  • Child Advocacy Committee on Education 
  • Website: lwvindianacounty.org; Child Advocacy Committee 
  • Government and Social Policy  
  • Website: lwvindianacounty.org; Government & Social Policy 


League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania (LWVPA) 

  • Legislation Tracker- Relevant legislation  
  • Website: palwv.org; Social Issues; Legislative Tracker 
  • Gun Safety – LWVPA position 
  • Website: palwv.org; Social Issues; Gun Safety 


League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) 



  • Cease Fire PA: ceasefirepa.org 
  • Moms Demand Action: momsdemandaction.org 
  • Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence: bradyunited.org 
  • Sandy Hook PROMISE: sandyhookpromise.org 



Local: Proposed – Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance 

  • Bimonthly meetings of the Indiana County Commissioners 
  • Second and Fourth Monday of each month 
  • 10:30 a.m. 
  • In-person at Indiana County Courthouse or via Zoom 
  • Indiana County Commissioners 
  • R. Michael Keith, Chairman: mkeith@indianacountypa.gov 
  • Robin Gorman: rgorman@indianacountypa.gov 
  • Sherene Hess: shess@indianacountypa.gov 



  • For relevant legislation: Website: palwv.org; Social Issues; Legislative Tracker 
  • Elected officials 
  • Pennsylvania Senator Joe Pittman: jpittman@pasen.gov 
  • Pennsylvania Representative Jim Struzzi – 62nd Legislative District: jstruzzi@pahousegop.com 
  • Pennsylvania Representative Brian Smith – 66th Legislative District: repsmith.com 


  • Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022 
  • Summary: On June 25, 2022, the U.S. Senate and House passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. This law addresses the rising rates of gun violence nationwide, protects our children and communities and preserves the Second Amendment. 

News: League of Women Voters

From 1920 to 2022 and beyond...

Over One Hundred Years Of History

102 years and counting

League of Women Voters has a 102-year history of striving to make democracy work for all citizens. Its roots are in the suffragist movement, but it quickly moved from the enfranchisement of women to take on the issues of the day – always in a non-partisan framework supported by volunteers.

"The Fight for the Right to Vote"

This virtual presentation by The League of Women Voters of Indiana County, PA shares the story of the hard-fought campaign waged by American women for the right to vote. In addition, the LWVIC will discuss how the passage of Pennsylvania Act77 of 2019 has made voting more accessible and secure, including mail-in voting procedures.